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Cindy Quigley

Superstar Consultant

My Story

Hi! Thanks for visiting my Scentsy Fragrance website. I began my career with Scentsy in January 2010 after some very difficult months. My now ex- husband was in military training school at the time and I was actually doing it as a way to get my mind off of the tough times we were going through. I was home with three children, ages three and under, had very little money—only a lot of hope. I discovered Scentsy and shared it with a few friends at a home party. I soon realized that with my love of the product, and my friend’s interest in it, that I could make my $99 investment back very quickly. I had no idea this would become a business and a blessing like it has become! I very quickly came to realize and appreciate that it was the best $99 I have ever spent. This business has changed my life and greatly blessed me. Owning my own Scentsy business gave me the confidence, independence, and support network I needed to get out of a very unhealthy relationship. Now not only am I better for it, but my family is as well.  Our products are amazing, everything from bath products and wickless candles (Scentsy Fragrance) to cheese and chocolate and so much more (Velata), the Scentsy Family has something for everyone! Not only are our products unbeatable in quality and price, but our company is always looking for new ways to keep our businesses thriving. We are a family. Our mission is to add value to the world. Our company, corporate leadership and consultants working together live with three pillars: Authenticity, Simplicity and Generosity, in order to Warm the Heart, Enliven the Senses, and Inspire the Soul. I have complete confidence in the company, its founders, and everything that comes with it!  I’m so glad you chose this site, and am super-excited to share our Scentsy products, and this opportunity, with you. Feel free to  contact me with any questions you may have. Find out how you can earn Scentsy products for free, or at half-price! I strive to give you the best customer experience you can have, so always feel free to contact me for specials on products and shipping, and how to put your order together to get the best deal for your money. Or, better yet, contact me to learn more about the amazing opportunity waiting for YOU with the Scentsy Family!  

What's warming in my home